Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Home Warranty How Does A Home Warranty Work?

How does a home warranty work? - home warranty

I did research on the website guarantees that I now buy a house with a very old furnace / AC unit. Does anybody know if this is correct? If I get a guarantee from a company such as African horse sickness, if the furnace breaks - then put on your currency? This agreement does not sound too good to be in premium ...... $ 400/yr to be true

Thank you!


Altfa said...

After a couple of companies that work with origin in the past, I can say that most are not worth what you pay for it every year ... You pay a premium, more to the man of service, honesty and a rare journey for most of the owners of the 400 more per year of service will have to contribute to HVAC units, a boundary that they, and most times they are the old equipment repair if the repair at a fixed price for a new, even if they are informed, a new technology that the best approach. I also saw that a problem exists clause in the contract, so that when the AC or furnace breaks too soon after the beginning of the reporting does not cover it anyway.

dvdacmn said...

Save your money and buy a new AC system you AHS is not worth a damn if it is made possible that in the weeks 3 things needed in a capacitor to break while before replacing it very unlikely that the questions not take care of maintenance, there's more tax credit of $ 1500 on new systems

poolman said...

I spoke with guarantees of origin in the past and in the pool area and found it hard to get for entering what anything.but if they know will pay litely

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